
Virtual: Girls Who Code

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Students gain the computer science skills they need to make an impact and prepare for tech careers in our free, virtual summer programs. Summer program participants get exposure to tech jobs, meet leaders in tech careers, and find community in our supportive sisterhood; all while investing in their future self.

We offer two programs: A 2-week immersion program or a 6-week self-paced experience that will allow students an opportunity to learn in a style that works best for them while making meaningful connections. All high school students who identify as girls or non-binary can apply, and no prior computer science experience is required.

In the 2-week Summer Immersion Program (SIP), high school students attend live, virtual classes sponsored by industry-leading companies like MetLife, Bank of America, and Accenture. *New in 2023* SIP students will get an Introduction to Game Design. This year’s program will focus on beginner to intermediate CS concepts, the iterative design process, UX design basics, and introduce students to tech industry!

In the Self-Paced Program, high school students can explore web development in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or more intermediate applications of Python with a focus on cybersecurity or our new data science courses! During the Self-Paced Program, students work at their own pace while having the opportunity to build community through weekly live advisory sessions and activities. This program is open to all high school students, graduating seniors, and summer programs alumni!