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Empowering Everyone to Find Good and Do Good!

The BEST WAY to find local services or to give back and help your community

By SHARE Middlesex May 17, 2023

A New Way to Find Good and Do Good

Have you always wanted one place where you could find local services or ways to give back and help your community?  

SHAREMiddlesex.org is a new interactive software platform where 501(c)(3) nonprofits provide their own links, media, and opportunities to request support and introduce community members to its services.  Features enable community users to find charitable ways to give back by searching by cause, geography, volunteer opportunities for youth and adult groups or individuals, and by upcoming dates. 

The platform offers five pillars to find services, apply for volunteer opportunities, donate funds, send supplies from wish lists, and attend events that are free or ticketed. This program is offered at no cost to the community and nonprofit organizations.  All donations, wish list items, volunteer applicant information, and event sales are accepted and processed by individual nonprofit administrators. SHARE Middlesex is simply a megaphone for good and does not collect any fees from the platform.

When you decide to help or fulfill a need on the SHARE Middlesex community website – you make a difference, a cause finds support, and, as a result – a community is lifted. SHARE Middlesex is your resource for sharing goods and tracking the impact you’ve made.

Neighbors who want to track their good work can create a profile, at no cost, and log in anytime to view their history,

SHARE Middlesex is also currently encouraging nonprofit administrators to create profiles, at no charge, for nonprofits to benefit by populating their own donation and website links to be promoted in community support marketing campaigns.

Rise and Share, a nonprofit itself founded during the pandemic, has licensed this software as a portal for philanthropy to offer simple ways for neighbors, nonprofits, and businesses to come together through good to support our local community.

We sincerely look forward to seeing all the GOOD you will do!


SHARE Middlesex by Rise and Share

335 George ST, Ste 4 Box 1077
New Brunswick NJ 08901

908.461.5723  info@riseandshare.org


*** Click here for a great list of Local Family-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities ***

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on Macaroni Kid Greater Woodbridge 
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