April Fools' Day is a fun holiday for kids and adults alike.
I love trying to prank my kiddos on April Fools' Day. When they were younger, it was so much easier but now that they are older, and know to expect "something" on April 1st, I take it on as a challenge to see if I can trick them at least once.
Do you know about April Fools' Day or how it started? I was curious, so I looked it up....
April Fools' Day, also known as All Fools' Day, is a holiday celebrated annually on April 1st. It is a day dedicated to pranks, hoaxes, and practical jokes, with people around the world engaging in a variety of mischievous activities. But where did this tradition come from, and why do we celebrate it today?
The origins of April Fools' Day are shrouded in mystery and legend, with various theories about its origins. One theory traces its roots back to ancient Rome, where the festival of Hilaria was celebrated on March 25th. This festival marked the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of the spring season and was a time for feasting, merrymaking, and general tomfoolery.
Another theory suggests that April Fools' Day originated in France during the Middle Ages. According to this theory, the holiday was established in the 16th century when the Julian calendar was replaced with the Gregorian calendar. Under the new calendar, the New Year was moved from April 1st to January 1st. Those who refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st were mocked and ridiculed by those who had adopted the new calendar. This tradition of teasing and pranking became known as poisson d'avril, or "April Fish."
Today, April Fools' Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, with different traditions and customs. In the United States, it is a day for harmless pranks and practical jokes, with people often playing tricks on their friends and coworkers. Some of the most popular pranks include swapping sugar for salt, placing whoopee cushions on chairs, and sending fake emails or texts.
If you're looking for some harmless and different pranks to play on your kids this April Fools - we got you covered!
Here are 25 funny April Fool's tricks to try: |
- Fake spider in the shower: Place a fake spider or bug in the shower, and watch your child's reaction when they go to take a shower.
- Breakfast prank: Serve your child a bowl of cereal with food coloring in the milk. When they pour the milk, it will change colors!
- Toothpaste prank: Switch out the toothpaste with a similar-looking substance, such as whipped cream or frosting.
- Fake spilled drink: Put a fake spilled drink on your child's favorite spot on the couch, and watch their reaction when they think they've made a mess and need to clean it up.
- Frozen cereal: Put your child's cereal bowl in the freezer the night before, so the milk is frozen in the morning. They'll have to wait for it to thaw before they can eat that breakfast.
- Fake phone call: Pretend to receive an important phone call, and then hand the phone to your child to finish the conversation. The person on the other end can be a silly character, such as a clown or superhero, a family member in on the prank, or just no one at all.
- Switched-out snacks: Replace your child's favorite snacks with similar-looking but unusual foods, such as carrot sticks for chocolate-covered pretzels or mashed potatoes for ice cream.
- Fake money: Leave a note from the "Tooth Fairy" or "Easter Bunny" with fake money, such as Monopoly money or shredded paper.
- Blizzard Fake Out: Tell your kiddo there was a huge blizzard or storm overnight and that schools are closed today. When they get all excited and check the windows to see outside, that's when you get'em with "April Fools"
- Swap clothes: Switch out your child's clothes with an outfit that's one or two sizes too small or too large.
- Balloon avalanche: Fill your child's bedroom with balloons while they're sleeping, and watch their surprise when they wake up.
- Mixed-up shoes: Swap the left and right shoes in your child's closet. Tie all the laces together or take them all out so they have no laces at all.
- Tape Galore: Tape or tie everything down - ie: utensils to the table, remote to the couch, school bag to the chair etc etc.
- Fake notes: Leave fake notes around the house, such as a "clean your room" note from the pet or a "no school today" note from the principal.
- Fake alarm clock: Set a fake alarm clock to go off at an unusual time, such as in the middle of the night or during dinner.
- Water spray: Use a spray bottle to lightly mist your child while they're sleeping, and see how long it takes them to wake up.
- Silly glasses: Replace your child's glasses with a silly or oversized pair, and see how long it takes them to notice.
- Crazy Hair: If you still help your child with their hair in the morning, make sure to create the craziest hairstyle you can.
- Got my Eye on You: Put googly eyes on everything
- Switch-a-roo: Exchange contents from two items your child uses often. Put the contents of box A in box B and vice versa - ie: cereal boxes, pencil case with crayon case or eyeglass case, lunch salad in a baggie with a sandwich in a thermos, swap out two beverages or shampoo with whipped cream, etc
- You're late: Set all the clocks ahead an hour or two so they might think they're late for classes or other plans.
- Brownie or is it?: Let them know you made brownies and they are waiting for them in the kitchen - then hand them your newly created Brown letter "E"s which you cut out of brown construction paper or a cardboard box.
- Fake Treasure: Set up a scavenger or treasure hunt, filled with clues and puzzles to solve. In the end, they can find an empty treasure box with an April Fool's note.
- Phone Malfunction: Set a new alarm on their phone with loud and funny music or tone - you can follow up with an April Fools' text right after that set time.
- What did you say?: Pretend you can't hear them or that they're speaking another language and you can't understand them.
Remember, the key to a successful April Fools' prank is to make it funny and harmless. Have fun and enjoy the holiday!
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