
Introducing Kids to Our Favorite Movies from the '80s and '90s

More than 30 movies your kids will consider 'classics'

By By Melinda Larke, publisher of Macaroni Kid Cherry Valley, Wash. January 26, 2022

You've watched that same beloved cartoon 100 times now - let's try something different...
How about taking the kids back in time .... back to the '80s and '90s, baby?
Movie nights are a favorite in our family and I love that my kids are old enough now that I can start to introduce them to the movies that were my favorites growing up.

This list below is certainly not all of the great family movies from the 80s and 90s, but it's a great place to start! Just be ready to answer the kids questions about clothing style and rotary phones and cassette tapes to name a few.

Click on the photo below to download and 
print it so your family can track your progress through the great decades of the '80s and '90s ...
now let me just find my scrunchie.

Melinda Larke is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Cherry Valley, Wash.

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